Als ITAA-lid kan u sinds eind april gebruik maken van het nieuwe platform permanente vorming. . We hebben ondertussen getracht om a.d.h.v.  uw vragen, bemerkingen en suggesties bijkomende nuttige functionaliteiten te voorzien die beschikbaar zijn zodat het voor u nog makkelijker wordt om uw verslagen te raadplegen en al dan niet aan te passen.

Wij herhalen hierbij nogmaals het uitgangspunt dat de erkende vormingsoperatoren uw aanwezigheden rechtstreeks in uw verslag permanente vorming zullen opladen, dit bespaart u héél veel tijd en kopzorgen.

Hieronder geven wij u een overzicht van de  belangrijkste nieuwe functionaliteiten voor u als lid:

Overzicht vormingsactiviteiten:

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    • Dit dient bvb. te gebeuren wanneer u merkt dat een vormingsactiviteit meermaals of foutief werd ingevoerd,
    • Opgelet, een vormingsactiviteit ingevoerd door een erkende vormingsoperator, kan NIET verwijderd noch aangepast worden, deze registratie is bindend
  • Wijzigen van een vormingsactiviteit:
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In het geval uw vorming werd afgekeurd zal u doorverwezen worden naar uw verslag permanente vorming waar u voor de betreffende vorming de reden zal kunnen raadplegen. U kan uw vormingsaanvraag desgewenst aanpassen en opnieuw doorsturen zoals hierboven reeds aangegeven.

Valideren van uw jaarverslag:


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  • Worden er uren weergegeven in het rood dan wijzen deze mogelijks op een onvoldoend aantal uren volgens de Norm permanente vorming, bvb. indien voor het desbetreffende jaar minder dan 20u permanente vorming opgenomen is. Hierbij wordt geen rekening gehouden met door de Raad van het ITAA toegestane uitzonderingen (bvb. o.b.v. medische attesten, maatregelen COVID-19). Voorbeeld 1: kalenderjaar 2020 wegens COVID-19. Hiermee wordt uiteraard rekening gehouden, omdat voor 2020 het minimum aantal vormingsuren van 120u/3 jaar uitzonderlijk naar 100u/3 werd herleid
  • Voorbeeld 2: u heeft het Instituut in kennis gesteld dat u wegens medische redenen niet kon deelnemen aan permanente vorming. Een medisch attest (zonder details) werd overgemaakt aan het Instituut en werd aan uw persoonlijk dossier toegevoegd

U kan, na het invoeren van ontbrekende vormingsattesten (vanaf 01/01/2021), opnieuw uw verslag valideren, er verschijnt dan een bijkomende lijn.

U kan pas valideren na het afsluiten van het lopende kalenderjaar.

Controle van de vakgebieden:


U kan zelf uw programma permanente vorming samenstellen met een evenwicht tussen de verschillende relevante vakgebieden over een periode van 3 jaar.

Om na te gaan of u het evenwicht gerespecteerd heeft kan u in deze rubriek nagaan waar u nog dient bij te benen.

U kan de vormingen voor de ontbrekende relevante vakgebieden opzoeken via de kalender permanente vorming, vergeet de taal, waarin u de vorming wenst te volgen, niet aan te duiden.

Weekly Tax News – 15 November 2021
EC to unveil its Own Resources Package on 22 December
According to a provisional agenda, the European Commission is planning to unveil its Own Resources Package on 22 December 2021. The package, initially foreseen for June 2021, was supposed to introduce three new own resources for the EU budget: a carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM), a digital levy and an own resource based on the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS). It was postponed for several reasons, including, concerning the digital levy, to support the finalisation of the agreement on the international tax reform. It is however not clear if the package will contain a digital levy as such as it is banned by the OECD tax deal. The EC committed to present this package in the December 2020 Interinstitutional Agreement on cooperation on budgetary matters.
France pushes for EU-level revenues from global tax deal
France wants the OECD tax deal to provide new revenues at the EU level and to contribute to paying back the EU Recovery plan, the French European Affairs minister, Clément Beaune, said at the European Commission Annual Budget Conference on Monday 8 November. Clément Beaune suggested that the EU could take part of the additional revenue that the deal is expected to generate for EU countries to create a new own resource for the EU budget or an EU tax. The European Commission will unveil its proposal on the implementation of the OECD global agreement on minimum effective taxation (Pillar II) on 22 December 2021. As France will take over the presidency of the EU Council in January 2022, it will try to reach a political agreement in the Council on this proposal, Clément Beaune said.
EP gives its final green light to public CBCR
On Thursday 11 November, MEPs gave their final green light to the directive on public country-by-country reporting (CBCR), closing a five-years legislative process. According to the new rules, multinationals and their subsidiaries with annual revenues over €750 million – and which are active in more than one EU country – will now have to publish the amount of tax they pay in each member state. This information will also need to be made publicly available on the internet, using a common template and in a machine-readable format. Member states will have 18 months to transpose the directive into their national laws. This means that businesses will need to be complying with the first provisions of the directive by mid-2024.
MEPs quiz experts on the impact of new technologies on taxation
On Tuesday 9 November, MEPs from the FISC Subcommittee of the European Parliament discussed with experts the impact of new technologies on taxation. Speakers recognise the challenges and opportunities offered by crypto assets and blockchain in taxation. The crypto assets market is growing fast, Andreas Thiemann, Researcher at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, recalled. The total market capitalization for all cryptocurrencies amounted to 2.2 trillion euros in October 2021, he said. Michelle Harding, Senior economist at the OECD’s Centre for Tax Policy and Administration said that the OECD is advancing its work to design a tax reporting framework for these assets and that the work will be finalized in 2022. Robert Müller from the tax consultancy & auditing firm Flick Gocke Schaumburg outlined how blockchain technology is suitable for tax functions. He said that, as a first step, it would be desirable to have an EU blockchain e-invoicing system and then, in the long term, to replace VAT tax with a native VAT cryptocurrency or token. He also said that it is necessary to create a specific framework for blockchain tax applications in the EU. The hearing will feed an upcoming INI report of the European Parliament on this subject.
EU Council aims at an agreement on VAT rates at the December Ecofin
The EU Council is aiming to find an agreement on the European Commission’s 2018 proposal to give Member States the freedom to set reduced, super-reduced and zero VAT rates at the Ecofin meeting on 7 December, according to a provisional agenda. The EU Council Working Party on Tax Questions is due to discuss and finalize the compromise text on 25 November.
Denmark, Croatia and Lithuania asked to explain how they transposed the VAT e-commerce package
The Commission decided on Friday 12 November to open infringement proceedings against Denmark, Croatia and Lithuania for non-communication of the explanatory documents in relation to the transposition of new EU rules for VAT on e-commerce. The new rules are intended to simplify VAT for companies and consumers involved in cross-border online sales within the EU. Since Denmark, Croatia and Lithuania have failed to provide clear explanations on the way they have transposed these directives, the Commission cannot check that these Member States have completely and correctly transposed the relevant provisions into national law, it explained. The three countries now have two months to act, otherwise the Commission may decide to move on to the next stage of the infringement proceedings and send reasoned opinions.
Seven EU countries give their support to the European Payments Initiative
Seven EU Member States – Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain – said in a joint statement published on Tuesday 9 November that the European Payments Initiative (EPI) – a private initiative launched in July 2020 by several European banks – would help provide secure and innovative payment solutions. The seven countries state that they “firmly believe that time has come to build a genuine Europe of payments’” by removing unnecessary regulatory barriers to stimulate competition in the payments market. They call on stakeholders to work towards involving more Member States and promise to explore the possibility of converging the work of the EPI with other areas such as electronic identification and central bank digital currencies.

here was an error in the Latest from Brussels N° 19. Please find below the paragraph concerned, corrected.

European Commission’s Public Consultation on Corporate Reporting Ecosystem Just Published

The European Commission (EC) has created a webpage indicating the timetable for the overhaul of the corporate reporting ecosystem. This initiative aims to improve the quality of corporate reporting and its enforcement, by addressing shortcomings in the underlying eco-system. The call for evidence as well as the public consultation are both available here. EFAA plans to respond to the consultation .For more information: Please contact Paul ThompsonMember Use, Feedback and ContributionsPlease share this newsletter with colleagues. Members are welcome to translate and reproduce extracts from this newsletter for their own communication purposes while acknowledging this newsletter as the source.The next issue is slated for late November 2021. We welcome feedback on how to improve this newsletter as well as contributions from our members, especially initiatives that other EFAA members might be keen to know about.Please contact theSecretariat


  • Early Warning Europe and Accountancy Europe organise hybrid event on SMEs’ early warning and solvency challenges
  • Commission to propose new alleviations to promote SMEs’ access to capital markets
  • European Parliament members warn against sustainability reporting burdens on SMEs

Feature story

Early Warning Day brings together policy-makers, SMEs and mentors

On 28 September, Early Warning Europe and Accountancy Europe co-organised a hybrid event that brought together policymakers and entrepreneurs to discuss progress on preventive restructuring and second chance frameworks.Specific highlights of the day included a keynote speech by EU Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, who underlined that all EU countries must have real mechanisms in place for alerting and assisting companies in distress. The event also heard the personal stories of three entrepreneurs who managed to turn around their companies with the help of Early Warning assistance services. The second panel brought together mentors, accountants, SME entrepreneurs, European Commission (EC) and MEP Ondrej Kovarik (RE/Czech Republic) to discuss policy recommendations for further improvements.The hybrid event assembled roughly 200 attendees of which around 70 in-person in the room, at ACE Events’ premises. Watch the recording

EU Developments

European Commission

EC launches new online tool to help SMEs access public procurement

The Access2procurement online portal, launched by EC on 21 September, aims to help SMEs to find international public procurement opportunities that are open to European companies.For now, information is available only on Canada, but EC intends to add more countries at a later stage.Information in the portal can be tailored in accordance with the procuring entity, the subject matter and the estimated value of the procurement. By answering a series of questions on the portal, businesses can also find out if they are eligible for the listed public procurement tenders. Read more

EC concludes current EU SME definition is fit for purpose

The EU SME Definition is a structural tool to identify enterprises that are confronted with market failure and particular challenges due to their size, being allowed, therefore, to receive preferential treatment in public support. It has become a key instrument in the EU SME policy and is referenced in many legal acts.The current definition specifies SMEs as having:

  • Staff headcount of maximum 250 and either
  • Turnover of maximum EUR 50 million, or
  • Balance sheet total of EUR 43 million

EC was committed to evaluating the suitability of this definition. In a staff working document dated 28 September, the Commission concludes that the definition remains relevant, fit for its purpose, and has been effective in reaching its objectives. Most crucially, the evaluation found no evidence that points to a need for a revision. Read more

EC to propose further alleviations to SMEs’ listing

EC published on 19 October its Work Programme for 2022. Among the many initiatives is an upcoming proposal to further alleviate listing rules for SMEs. This initiative aims to simplify the listing requirements, including post-listing, to make public capital markets more attractive and facilitate access to capital for SMEs. A public consultation is expected in the coming weeks, and a legislative proposal in Q3 2022. Read more

New EC report on how solvency support measures helped SMEs during COVID-19

EC published on 3 November a report on national solvency measures for SMEs. According to this report, SMEs and other European businesses have been able to avoid bankruptcies also thanks to a wide range of national solvency measures implemented by Member States in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.It highlights how a broad variety of national measures, including debt moratoria, safeguards for employees or fiscal measures are helping to prevent a liquidity crisis from turning into broader solvency crisis for European businesses. Read more

European Parliament

European Parliament publishes draft report on fair and simple taxation

The draft report, prepared by MEP Ludek Niedermayer (EPP/Czech Republic), makes several recommendations to improve the tax system for SMEs. For example, it calls for the following:

  • Pan-European “identical” VAT registration processes, and via online platforms
  • Unique pan-European income tax regime for SEs and start-ups
  • E-invoicing system with a focus on reducing compliance costs especially for SMEs
  • Introduce online reporting of data for (at least) cross-border Union trade, preferably by using data from e-invoicing

ECON Committee is scheduled to vote on this non-binding draft report on 13 January 2022, followed by a final Plenary vote on 14 February. Read more

EC presents SME Performance Review to ITRE Committee

The European Parliament Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) was briefed on 15 October by the EC on the annual SME Performance Review. A representative from EC’s DG GROW gave an overview of the main findings of the Review and spoke about the dedicated assessment of SMEs in their efforts to digitalise. MEPs raised questions about promoting the digitalisation of microcompanies; financing the digital transition; the lack of focus on sustainability in the Review, as well as the longstanding issue of late payments.

Several MEPs call for sustainability requirements on SMEs to be proportionate

At its 28 October hearing, JURI Committee held a first exchange of views on the EC’s proposed corporate sustainability reporting Directive (CSRD). Several JURI MEPs raised concerns about the proposal’s possible impact on SMEs. For example:

  • Pascal Durand (RE/France), the MEP leading the file, said that small companies should be exempt from the scope as much as possible
  • Daniel Buda (EPP/Romania) expressed concerns about SMEs’ audit and warned against causing administrative problems for small companies
  • Lara Wolters (S&D/Netherlands) likewise warned that SMEs’ scoping would have to be carefully considered
  • Angelika Niebler (EPP/Germany) underlined proportionality and the need to protect especially SMEs with a more regional/local market focus

MEP Durand hopes that the Parliament can finalise its position by March 2022.

International Developments

Opinion: EU taxonomy can strengthen SMEs in the green transition

SMEs will remain exempt from new disclosure rules on the EU’s sustainable finance taxonomy starting in 2022. However, corporate leaders would be well-advised to follow its implications, including SMEs, writes Finn Wendland from the German Economic Institute.Despite the formal exemption, chances are that large investors and end-producers will pass through their reporting requirements to intermediate producers regardless – many of whom are SMEs – with the aim of ensuring taxonomy alignment, he warns. Read more

Accountancy Europe’s sustainability checklist translated into German, Romanian and Norwegian

Accountancy Europe’s 3-step sustainability checklist for SMEs, published in May with the European Association of Cooperative Banks (EACB), has now been translated into Romanian and Norwegian. A German translation is also in the works.This practical tool was designed to help SMEs’ accountants to conduct a sustainability profile and risk mapping of their SME clients. The final objective is to align the SME’s business model with sustainability priorities, and to prepare them for eventual sustainability reporting. Read more

SMEunited’s SME performance index shows high growth of small companies

The latest figures for SMEunited’s Business Climate Index for the European Union reveal a surge in SMEs confidence for autumn 2021. Indeed, the index presents a steep increase up to 76.1%, while last spring indicator stood at 59.8%. Hence, relative to last survey, 16.3% more SMEs recorded a positive or neutral expectation about the economic environment. Read more

National Developments

Greece encourages SMEs mergers in Recovery Fund implementation

The Greek government will incentivise SMEs that are hard-hit by the pandemic to merge to ensure financing from the Recovery Fund, Greek finance minister Christos Staikouras told EURACTIV Greece in an exclusive interview.“Acquisitions, mergers, increasing businesses’ size is one of the pillars of the policy we will pursue in the Recovery Fund”, Staikouras said.Previously, Minister for Development Adonis Georgiadis triggered opposition after stating that, if an SME wants to survive, it should “follow the rules of the modern economy”, e.g., by merging. This will leave many of the country’s small companies faced with the choice of risking extinction or joining forces with another company to ensure survival. Read more

Other News

European Commission New Fasanara €250 million fintech fund anchored by the EIF to support SMEs across the EU SMEunited SMEunited outlines its priorities for the French Council Presidency ?This curated content was brought to you by Johan Barros, Accountancy Europe policy manager since 2015. You can send him tips byemail, follow him onTwitterand connect with himonLinkedIn.

De Administratie Opmetingen & Waarderingen verstuurt begin november herinneringsbrieven naar de belastingplichtigen die nog geen aangifte hebben gedaan van hun in het buitenland gelegen onroerende goederen.In juni kondigden we aan dat u uw aangifte kunt indienen om het kadastraal inkomen van uw buitenlandse onroerende goederen te bepalen. De Administratie Opmetingen & Waarderingen (voorheen kadaster genoemd) verstuurde daarvoor het desbetreffende formulier naar ongeveer 170.000 betrokken belastingplichtigen. Heeft u uw aangifte nog niet ingediend? Dan ontvangt u vanaf begin november een herinneringsbrief.Bent u eigenaar van een in het buitenland gelegen onroerend goed verworven vóór 1 januari 2021?In dat geval hebt u van ons dit aangifteformulier ontvangen dat toelaat het kadastraal inkomen van uw in het buitenland gelegen onroerend goed te bepalen. U kunt uw aangifte indienen:

FOD Financiën – AAPD – Cel Buitenlands KI Gaston Crommenlaan 6 – bus 459 9050 LedebergU heeft nog tot 31 december 2021 de tijd om uw goederen aan te geven. Hebt u dat vandaag nog niet gedaan, dan mag u vanaf 3 november een herinnering verwachten. Geen aangifte indienen, kan leiden tot een administratieve boete van 250 tot 3.000 euro. Wanneer u uw aangifte in de personenbelasting samen met uw partner indient, hebben we u daarom uit voorzorg beiden de herinneringsbrief bezorgd zelfs als slechts één van u een in het buitenland gelegen onroerend goed bezit. In dat geval moet uiteraard alleen u als eigenaar van het onroerend goed een aangifte indienen.


Dan moet u dat spontaan melden binnen de 4 maanden na de aankoop. U kunt uw aangifte op dezelfde manieren indienen als voor de goederen verworven voor 1 januari 2021.


Na ontvangst van uw aangifte(n) zal de administratie Opmetingen & Waarderingen voor elk onroerend goed of groep van onroerende goederen een kadastraal inkomen vaststellen en u elk kadastraal inkomen per aangetekend schrijven meedelen. U heeft de mogelijkheid om binnen een termijn van 2 maanden bezwaar in te dienen tegen het betekend kadastraal inkomen, overeenkomstig artikel 499 van het Wetboek van de inkomstenbelastingen. De eerste notificaties worden begin 2022 verstuurd.Ter herinnering: Het nieuw kadastraal inkomen van uw onroerend goed gelegen in het buitenland zal vanaf de aangifte in de personenbelasting die u in 2022 moet indienen (voor uw inkomsten van 2021) gebruikt worden om uw onroerende inkomsten vast te stellen. Voor uw aangifte in de personenbelasting van dit jaar (voor uw inkomsten van 2020)verandert er dus niets.


Raadpleeg de FAQ over de bepaling van het KI en de FAQ over het onroerend inkomen.Vindt u daar geen antwoord op uw vraag? Stel uw vraag per mail aan het adres stuurt een e-mail) of neem contact op met het Contactcenter van de FOD Financiën op het nummer 02 572 57 57.

EFAA International Conference 2021 – COVID-19: SMPs Recovering Smarter, Stronger and SustainableOn 22 October 2021 EFAA, for the first time it its 26-year history, hosted as a hybrid event its International Conference, ‘COVID-19: SMPs Recovering Smarter, Stronger, Sustainable’. Some 30 delegates, comprising the leadership of EFAA’s member organisations, speakers, and special guests, convened in person at the Thon Europe Hotel in Brussels. Another 100 delegates joined remotely.Salvador Marin, EFAA President, said in his opening address that “the event underlines how EFAA has successfully adapted to a new normal and, in collaboration with its member organizations, is helping to lead the digital and sustainable transition of small- and medium-sized practices accountancy and tax practices (SMPs) across Europe.”IFAC President Alan Johnson gave a keynote presentation and concluded that: “SMEs are critical to viable and sustainable economies everywhere. Accountants and Auditors for SMEs play an invaluable role in supporting SMEs achieve sustainable recovery from the economic impact of Covid-19. As we move from crisis to recovery, we should take every opportunity to contribute to a more sustainable world that is also more equitable and fairer for all; professional accountants will play their part in making this possible”.The conference stressed that SMPs, post-COVID-19, stand to play a crucial role in helping SMEs recover from the coronavirus crisis, build their resilience, and ensure their digital and sustainable transition. Being effective in this role will demand that they be smarter, stronger, and sustainable. SMPs will need to transform their practices by accelerating the adoption of digital technologies and broadening their services. New services may include advisory services related to early warning, insolvency, and sustainability as well as accounting services that include sustainability and non-financial reporting. SMPs’ role as trusted advisor to their SME clients will grow ever more important.In Session I: Achieving Sustainability – How can Small- and Medium-Sized Accountancy Practices Contribute? the moderator, EFAA Director Paul Thompson, was joined by panellists Thomas Verheye, Principal Advisor Green Finance and Investment at European Investment Fund (EIF), Luc Hendrickx, Director at SMEunited, and Usha Ganga, Theme Director Sustainability at NBA. The panel discussed the role to be played by SMPs in helping SMEs make the sustainable transition, including advice on sustainable practices, accessing sustainable finance and sustainability reporting and assurance. It was agreed that SMPs stand to play a key role in helping SMEs create, preserve and report on the value they create. This will demand a concerted effort by professional accountancy organizations to help build the capacity of SMPs to embrace this new role. It was also agreed that SMEs need tools adapted to their needs and capabilities to help them become greener and more sustainable.In Session II: Stronger – Diversifying Service OfferingInge Buffolo, Director Customer Department at EUIPOMike Suffield, Director of Professional Insights at ACCA, Nelson Ferreira, Adviser at OCC, and Morten Moller, Network Coordinator at Early Warning Europe, joined by the moderator, Robin Jarvis, Professor of Accounting and Finance at Brunel University London, discussed possible ways of supporting SMPs and making them stronger by helping them to broaden the range of services they provide. The panel explored the new services for the future and what kind of skills and qualifications are needed to effectively deliver them. All the panellists recognised the importance of the wider services which SMPs can provide for SMEs outside traditional accounting services. It was felt important that SMPs network with other SMPs which may be specialising in niche areas of service to SMEs as well as with other service providers to SMEs. Panellists acknowledged a tendency of regulators not to recognise the wide range of services SMPs could provide to SMEs and not to consult SMP organisations, like EFAA, in developing policy and regulation relating to the support of SMEs. Finally, it was noted that technology has given SMPs a greater opportunity to diversify their service offerings.In the final session, Session III: Smarter – The Digital Transformation, panellists Bart Van Coile, President, ITAA, Ardiana Bunjaku, Executive Director, SCAAK, Esteban Romero-Frías, Chair of the Economistas Digital Working Group, and Patrick de Veer, Founder of Greenaumatic, joined the moderator, Martin de Bie, Chair of the EFAA Digital Working Group. The panellists shared their experience in the digitalisation of professional accountancy bodies (PAOs), including EFAA member organisations, as well as on how to effectively support SMPs as they undertake their digital transformation.In conclusion, Salvador Marin noted that “while COVID-19 has brought much suffering and disruption, there are silver linings in the coronavirus cloud – namely the opportunity for SMPs to become smarter, stronger, and sustainable and help SMEs ‘build back better’. EFAA is collaborating with its member organisations to help SMPs seize this opportunity.”For more information: Please contact EFAA Secretariat

De Commissie publiceert een nieuw ontwerpadvies over splitsingen van vennootschappen met rechtspersoonlijkheid onderworpen aan het Belgisch recht die belastingneutraal werden uitgevoerd. Dit in het licht van de nieuwigheden ingevoerd door het Wetboek van vennootschappen en verenigingen. Er wordt meer bepaald rekening gehouden met de schrapping van het kapitaalbegrip bij de coöperatieve en besloten vennootschappen en met de invoering van een regeling voor splitsingen van verenigingen en stichtingen gebaseerd op de regeling die van toepassing is op splitsingen van vennootschappen.Reacties en waardevolle inbreng van het publiek kunnen mee in rekening worden genomen bij de afwerking van het definitief advies.Reageren op dit ontwerpadvies kan tot en met vrijdag 17 december 2021.Tel +32 (0)2 221 83 00Email:

eStox blijft evolueren: Hierbij de belangrijkste recente updates, hieronder vindt u meer details.

  • Kapitaalsverhoging
  • Nieuwe samenwerkingsovereenkomst

De volledige release notes vindt u in bijlage. (1.09 + 1.10)

1.      Kapitaalsverhoging zonder nieuwe aandelen

Op vraag van veel leden werden de mogelijkheden bij kapitaalsverhoging in eStox uitgebreid: het is nu ook mogelijk

  • een kapitaalsverhoging zonder nieuwe aandelen door te voeren
  • een bijdrage in contanten zonder nieuwe aandelen door te voeren

U kunt nu dus in de lijst 2 nieuwe transacties vinden zie screenshots hieronder.

2.      Samenwerkingsovereenkomst

Ook het samenwerkingscontract tussen eStox en notarissen/ITAA-leden werd aangepast: om eStox te blijven gebruiken moeten gebruikers de nieuwe overeenkomst tekenen en opladen. Nieuwe gebruikers krijgen meteen de nieuwe overeenkomst bij het opstarten.

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Accountants en belastingadviseurs willen op de hoogte blijven van de recentste ontwikkelingen in hun vakgebied. Daarbij is het opzoeken van informatie op het internet, het delen van interessante artikels en publicaties, en het uitwisselen van informatie met collega’s, opdrachtgevers, raadslieden en de overheid essentieel.

Wat vaak vergeten wordt, is dat veel van deze werken auteursrechtelijk beschermd zijn. Denken we maar aan vaktechnische werken, artikels over vennootschaps-, fiscaal of sociaal recht, persartikels, foto’s en illustraties. Auteursrechtelijk beschermde werken kunnen online weliswaar (tegen betaling of gratis) gelezen worden, maar voor de reproductie (op papier of digitaal op smartphone, tablet, harde schijf…) en de communicatie (via mail, Zoom/Teams, intranet, Powerpointpresentaties …) van deze werken is wettelijk een voorafgaande toelating van de rechthebbende vereist.

Als je deze werken wil reproduceren en intern of extern delen met respect voor het auteursrecht, dan is het sterk aangeraden om de gecombineerde licentie van REPROBEL af te sluiten. Deze licentie regelt niet alleen de REPROBEL-bijdrage die je wettelijk moet voldoen voor de fotokopies (KB’s van 5 maart 2017), maar biedt ook een omvangrijke aanvullende dekking voor prints en voor digitale reproductie en communicatie van dergelijke werken.

REPROBEL biedt de gecombineerde licentie aan met het mandaat van de Belgische auteurs en uitgevers. Via 40 bilaterale representatieovereenkomsten met buitenlandse partners omvat de REPROBEL-licentie ook een nagenoeg wereldwijd repertoire.

De gecombineerde licentie van REPROBEL faciliteert eveneens thuiswerk en digitalisering, en biedt de professionele gebruiker maximale rechtszekerheid en gebruiksgemak. Meer informatie hierover vind je in deze handleiding en dit juridische artikel, en op de website van REPROBEL.

Het ITAA en REPROBEL hebben voor referentiejaar 2021 een sectorovereenkomst afgesloten. De ITAA-leden die voor 2021 willen intekenen op de gecombineerde licentie inclusief digitaal gebruik van REPROBEL, kunnen dit doen met een korting door het invullen van een specifieke promocode bij hun portaalaangifte. Deze aangifte is erg gebruiksvriendelijk en is in minder dan tien minuten afgerond. De meeste grote ondernemingen in België (ook in de boekhoud- en consultancysector) hebben reeds een dergelijke overeenkomst met REPROBEL. Door de sectorovereenkomst tussen het ITAA en REPROBEL zullen ook kleine en middelgrote kantoren van dezelfde korting kunnen genieten. Meer informatie over de REPROBEL campagne 2021 volgt in het najaar.

De ITAA-leden die dit wensen, kunnen er ook nog steeds voor kiezen om de gecombineerde licentie van REPROBEL niet af te sluiten en om enkel hun papieren reproducties van beschermd werk aan te geven op het portaal. Onvolledige of foutieve aangiftes kunnen dan wel aanleiding geven tot wettelijk voorziene controles en sancties. Door in te tekenen op de REPROBEL-licentie vermijdt u dit en zorgt u er tegelijk voor dat ook uw digitale gebruikshandelingen de rechten van auteurs en uitgevers respecteren.

REPROBEL en het ITAA zijn bijzonder verheugd over hun samenwerking, die accountants en tax advisors toelaat om zonder zorgen maximaal informatie en kennis te delen, zowel op papier als digitaal. De REPROBEL-vergoeding zorgt ervoor dat auteurs en uitgevers correct vergoed worden voor het gebruik van hun werken, zodat ze kunnen blijven informeren, investeren en innoveren.